Tips for Making Your Catering Company Stand Out

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Gain more clients and profits for your catering company by finding ways to stand out from the competition. In order to grow your company, you must make a conscious effort to improve certain areas of the business. Set yourself apart from others in the industry by implementing the following strategies.

Offer Competitive Prices

Something that may attract customers to your catering company over another is competitive pricing and affordability. While making a profit is important in the business, offer prices or tiers so that customers have options to choose from on a more affordable scale. Do not drop your prices to an amount that will cause you to lose money because this won’t be sustainable for your business.

Excellent Communication Skills

No client will want to work with you if you never answer emails or questions in a timely manner. Catering events follow a strict schedule; if you cannot communicate with staff and clients, things can get messy quickly. A customer will likely recommend your business to friends and family if you deliver outstanding service alongside excellent communication skills.

Website/Social Media Presence

A creative way to ensure your catering company stands out is to build a professional website and be active on social media channels. Social media is a huge factor in setting you apart from the competition because you appear more personable by responding and interacting with your clients online. Consider hiring a professional to build a website that is easy to navigate—this will give customers a place to go when they have additional questions about your business.

Serve Diverse Options of Food

Nothing is more important to a catering company than the food. Do not play it safe by only allowing a few food and beverage options. If you want to distinguish yourself from the competition, you must offer unique food options that appear more appealing than others. Not to mention, serving dishes on disposable plastic trays will also show clients the thought you put into prepping your food by serving it on sanitary and recyclable platters.

Hire Exceptional Staff

Be mindful of who you hire to your crew. The way your staff interacts with guests at an event can make or break the future relationship you could have with that client. Your team must take the job seriously and dress professionally to make a lasting impression.

Consider implementing the above tactics when making a name for yourself in the catering industry. Remember to be open-minded to change; without it, you cannot grow your business. How will you make your catering company stand out from the rest?


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1 thought on “Tips for Making Your Catering Company Stand Out”

  1. I am thankful you mentioned that catering companies offer their clients tiers that will give them options to choose from on a more affordable scale. It’s my sister’s wedding this October, so she asked me to help book an event catering service to take care of the food to be served to the wedding guests during the reception. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for an event catering company to contact for more inquiries soon.

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