5 Tips for Designing the Perfect Dessert Table

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No matter what the event is for, having a dessert table is a must. When designing the layout of the sweets, you never want to throw all the items onto a table; instead, deliberately place them to make the desserts more eye-appealing.

CMJJ Gourmet is a dessert cup supplier, among other catering supplies, and our dessert cups will work magnificently to create an aesthetically pleasing dessert display. While the desserts are the most important part, how you display them and what you display them in all play major roles in achieving a sophisticated dessert layout. Use our suggestions to make your next dessert table the center of attention.

Have a Variety of Flavors, Textures, and Colors

A well-rounded dessert table will have a mixture of flavors, textures, and colors. This balances the table more evenly and guarantees there will be at least one sweet that every guest will enjoy. Be meticulous when choosing colors because you don’t want them to clash against each other; instead, have them complement one another.

Manage the Table Space

Be conscious of where you are placing items on the table. Never throw the dishes on the table in the available space and call it good; this tends to make the display look rushed. If you have a larger table with not enough desserts, consider adding décor elements to fill in the negative space.

Separate Desserts With Height

When you place the dessert table, you want your guests to notice the entire display, and laying every dessert flat on the table makes for less appealing desserts. Separate the items by adding height to the sweets; consider this an interior decorating process. Add the highest point of the table in the back and add varying rows with different levels in the negative space of the display to evenly fill everything out.

Label Certain Foods

When you have a wide variety of desserts, it can get confusing for guests to determine which is which, and this is especially important when people in attendance have food allergies. Label different flavors to avoid confusion, and separate and label foods with nuts to alert guests who may have a nut allergy.

Asymmetrical vs. Symmetrical

A more classy, traditional route displays your desserts in a symmetrical pattern on the table. Have an even number of foods so that you can divide them up equally on both sides of the table’s focal point. Asymmetrical layouts allow you to be more creative with the design. Place focal points on either end of the table and go crazy with everything else—just make sure that everything looks concise.

Be deliberate in designing a dessert table. Desserts are an essential component of events, and having a flashy display makes the sweets much more appealing. What will you do with your dessert table?




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